Hi, my name is Abdullah Ademi
I'm a SoftWare Engineer.

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SoftWare Developer .

I have an excellent OOP, Java , C++,C#,Dart Language and the a great experience with Flutter . Also JavaScript Language, HTML and CSS .

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Tammer Yemni Company

Tammer Yemeni Company full stack Website, the idea of ​​​​the Website is to facilitate people to request and implement construction and contracting services, where anyone can request a service from the site, application. The Website was built with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap for the front end part , the back end was made with Laravel 9 and mysql database. The site was hosted on the heroku platform.

Store App

The Store app is built to deploy items or services you can register or login and submet for fergit password, is an application built with flutter for the front end , and the back end was made with dart Language.

Project Image

Weather Applicaton

the Weather Applicatoin is an application where you enter the name of the city or country and it will show you the weather there. its a simple app made with flutter and the back end with Dart Language.

Project Image

Todo Applicaton

the Todo Applicatoin is an application where you write your tasks and maerk them as Done , Archive or set . its a simple app made with Flutter Dart Language.

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